It’s The Small Things

I love buying little things for the flat. Whether it’s flowers, a fridge magnet or something more practical I always find it makes such a difference! When we first moved in we bought a run of the mill cabinet for our bathroom.20140722_162911

It’s just a wooden cabinet (from Ikea) with a mirror on it, but it came with the ugliest door knob!! A weird little white button… luckily you can buy door knobs separately in other shops that come in a variety of patterns and colours. If you’re from Germany you can find them in Depot, Butlers, and in the summer and winter festival “Tollwood” in Munich. I’ve also seen them in Zara Home for anyone in a different country. They cost around 4 euros and are perfect for making a normal piece of furniture a little bit more personal.

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We bought a green and white one for the bathroom. Look at the difference:IMG_20140722_19301420140723_170957

Isn’t it a lot better?! When our kitchen is 99% complete I’m also planning on finding some nice ones for all the cupboards and drawers, I was thinking these white and blue ones fit perfectly:


Do you have any small things that you buy to make your flat feel more personalized?

Larissaingermany x